Balance the flow of energy in your body to strengthen your life force.

The notion that the body is comprised of energy is a widely accepted fact — proven by quantum physics. As with any form of pure energy, the human body sends off subtle vibrations.


Generally speaking, this energy is usually only detectable when it falls out of sync — and it is the effects of this disruption that are felt, not necessarily the energy itself. 

Many things can throw the body’s delicate energy out of balance. Sometimes these things out of our control. But it is always our choice of how we respond to what is arising. And this is exactly why we have to cultivate that power within us. To get a little help along the way I offer Soul Work sessions. You could call it Energy Medicine Therapy. 

Balance the flow of energy – known as Chi or Prana – in your body to strengthen your life force, boost your self healing powers, activate your immune system, release physical or emotional tension, free stagnant or blocked energy, cultivate a peaceful quality of mind and an open heart. 

In a Nutshell

    • Step Into Your Power
      Reclaim power over your own happiness, well-being and health. Embody the understanding that you are the leading role in your life, everything in your life begins and ends with you.
    • Emotional Intelligence
      ​Learn how to transmute negative emotions into positive energy so you can be fueled by your feelings, forever.
    • Communication
      Speak with authenticity your truth, add some techniques I teach you and every living cell will conspire to give you what you want.
    • The Paradox of Time
      Understand time in a way that will change your world forever—a crucial piece in having the impact you want.
    • ​The Art of Yin
      Let go of hard edges and impenetrable walls so you can fully receive everything the universe offers.
    • Reconnect
      You are everything there is, everything there is, is in you. You create your reality.

    Achieve Mastery Over The Chaos Within

    I am sharing tools and practices that have been proven to work over and over again.

    “Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.”



    In order to successfully start our fire within and in any situation really, the best thing we can do is to start to MASTER the chaos within us.

    To achieve mastery is not magic, it only needs practice and dedication. And without fail, I promise you can get there.


    You are not thrown into the fire.


    Some of the tools we use:


      The Art of Mindful Living 

      Tools for Transformation

      Mastery Over The Chaos Within

      Healthy Boundaries

      Embody Wellness

      The Power of Breath

    •  Acupressure Points

    •  Self Hypnosis

      Mindful Manifestation

      Guided Meditations 



      Body Scan 

    The goal of Soul Work is to empower you to live the most authentic, healthy life possible, a life that feels in alignment with your deepest self and to give you a little toolbox along the way.

    Online or In-Person

    1 session 75 min Soul Work 250 Euro / 

    5 sessions Energy Medicine Therapy 1200 Euro